In our company respect and cuidar the personal data of the users, customers, providers and employees. Like user have to know that your rights are guaranteeed.
Our company is some safe surroundings. By general norm never will request personal information unless really it was necessary to loan the services that require us. Never we will share personal information of our users with anybody, except to fulfil with the law or in case that have your permission expresses or providers that detail you more advance. Never we use your personal data with a different purpose to the expressed in this privacy policy.
This Privacy policy could vary in function of exigencias legislative or of autorregulación, by what advises to the users that visit it periodically. It will be applicable in case that the users decide to sail sometime by our web or fill up some form of any one of his forms of contact where collect data of personal character.
Lucartex, S.L. has adapted this web to current Spanish and European regulations regarding the protection of personal data on the internet. Specifically, it respects the following rules: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD). Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPD-GDD). Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).
Identity of the Responsible:Lucartex, S.L.Or.
NIF/CIF: B87505772
Direction: Virgin Street de Lourdes, 22 Madrid Spain
Activity: Trade, import and export of all class of products and articles for the home and of vestimenta and his complementos.
To effects of the foreseen in the General Regulation of Data protection before quoted, the personal data that send us through the forms of the web, will receive the treatment of data of ?Users of the web and subscribers?.
For the treatment of data our users implement all the technical and organisational measures of security established in the valid legislation.
In the treatment of your personal data, will apply the following principles that adjust to the exigencias of the new European regulation of data protection:
Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: Always we go to require your consent for the treatment of your personal data for one or several specific ends that will inform you previously with absolute transparency.
Principle of minimisation of data: Only we go to request data strictly necessary in relation with the ends for which require them. The possible minima.
Principle of limitation of the term of conservation: the data will be kept during no more time of the necessary for the ends of the treatment, in function to the purpose, will inform you of the term of corresponding conservation, in the case of subscriptions, periodically will review our lists and will delete those registers inactivos during a considerable time.
Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Your data will be treated in such a way that it guarantee a suitable security of the personal data and guarantee confidentiality. You have to know that we take all the necessary cautions to avoid the unauthorised access or undue use of the data of our users by part of third.
How they obtain personal data in this web?
The personal data that treat in HOOK® proceed of:
?Form of contacts
?Form of subscription
?Comment in the blog
?Available form
Any person has right to obtain confirmation on if in HOOK® are treating personal data that concerns us, or no.
The people interested have right to:
?Request the access to the relative personal data to the interested
?Request his rectification or supresión
?Request the limitation of his treatment
?Oponerse To the treatment
?Request the portability of the data
?The interested will be able to access to his personal data, as well as to request the rectification of the inaccurate data or, in his case, request his supresión when, among others reasons, the data no longer are necessary for the ends that were collected.
In determinate circumstances, the interested will be able to request the limitation of the treatment of his data, in whose case only will conserve them for the exercise or the defence of claims.
In determinate circumstances and by reasons related with his particular situation, the interested will be able to oponerse to the treatment of his data, Lucartex, S.L.Or. It will leave to treat the data, save by legitimate reasons imperiosos, or the exercise or the defence of possible claims. Also they will be able to request the portability of his data.
The interested also will have right to the tutela judicial effective and to present a claim in front of the authority of control, in this case, the Spanish Agency of Data protection, if they consider that the treatment of personal data that concern him infringe the Regulation.
When an user connects with this web for example to comment a post, command a post when titling, subscribe or realise some purchase, is facilitating information of personal character of which is responsible HOOK®. This information can include data of personal character as they can be your direction IP, name, physical direction, email address, number of telephone, and another information. When facilitating this information, the user gives his consent so that his information was recopilada, used, managed and stored by Lucartex, S.L.Or., as it describes in the Legal notice and in the present Privacy policy.
In HOOK® exist different systems of capture of personal information and treat the information that facilitate us the people interested with the following end by each system of capture (forms):
1.- Form of contact: we Request the following personal data: name, email, telephone, subject, message. To answer to the requests of the users of HOOK®. I inform you that the data that facilitate me will be situated in the servers of Zendesk, Inc provider of services of attention to the customer.
2.- Available form: The user has of a form of subject purchase to the conditions of contracting specified in the conditions of particular contracting for each product or service where require you data of contact and of payment. We will request the following personal data: name, surname, CIF/NIF, email, direction, data of turnover.
3.- Form of subscription to contents: In this case, I request the following personal data: name, email to manage the list of subscriptions, send bulletins, promotions and special offers, facilitated by the user when realising the subscription. Inside the web exist several forms to activate the subscription. The newsletter are managed by The Rocket Science Group LLC or by CPC Computer Services Applied to New Technologies, S.L. When using the services of this platform for the realisation of campaigns of marketing by email,have to know that The Rocket Science Group LLC. Has his servers lodged out of the EU in U.S. in this in privacy shield: ?It is received to the agreement EU-US Privacy Shield, whose information is available here, approved by the European Committee of Data protection?. When realising a subscription, accept and consent that your data are stored by this platform, with headquarters in United States to end to manage the sending of the corresponding bulletins.
They exist other purposes by which treat your personal data:
To guarantee the fulfillment of the instructions for use and the applicable law. This can include the development of tools and algorithms that help to this web to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data that collects.
To support and improve the services that offers this web.
Also they collect other data no identificativos that they obtain by means of some cookies that download in the computer of the user when it sails in this web that detail in the politics of cookies.
To manage the social networks. HOOK® Can have presence in social networks. The treatment of the data that carry out of the people that do followers in the social networks of the official pages of HOOK® will govern by this section. As well as by those instructions for use, privacy policies and normative of access that belong to the social network that proceed in each case and accepted previously by the user of HOOK®. It will treat his data with the purposes to administer properly his presence in the social network, informing of activities, products or services of HOOK®. As well as for any another purpose that the rules of the social networks allow.
Of agreement to the established in the general regulation of European data protection (RGPD) 2016/679, Lucartex, S.L.Or.(HOOK®) With domicile in Virgin Street de Lourdes, 22 Madrid Spain will be responsible of the treatment of the corresponding data to Users of the web and subscribers.
HOOK®, does not sell, rents neither yields data of personal character that can identify to the user, neither will do it in the future, to third without the previous consent. However, in some cases can realise collaborations with other professionals, in these cases, will require consent to the users informing on the identity of the collaborator and the purpose of the collaboration. Always it will realise with the most strict standards of security.
The legal base for the treatment of his data is: the consent.
To contact in this web requires the consent with this privacy policy.
The offer prospectiva or commercial of products and services is based in the consent that requests him , without that in no case the withdrawal of this consent condition the execution of the agreement of purchase.
Also the contracting of products and services according to the terms and conditions that are recorded in Legal notice, Politics of Changes and Returns.
The categories of data that treat are:
?Data identificativos, specifically, name, email, telephone and direction.
?Name of the company.
They do not treat categories of data especially protected.
The personal data will conserve until it do not request his supresión by the interested.
A lot of tools that use to manage your data are hired by third.
The data will communicate to the following companies to loan services strictly necessary for the development of his activity, HOOK®, shares data with the following prestadores under his corresponding conditions of privacy.
?Platform attention to the customer and forms
?Platform of email marketing
?Platform of ecommerce
?Platform of logistics and sendings
?Tools of analytical
?Tool of consultancy, accounting and management
Google Analytics: an analytical service of web loaned by Google, Inc., a company of Delaware whose main office is in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (?Google?). Google Analytics uses ?Cookies?, that are archives of text situated in your computer, to help to HOOK® to analyse the use that do the users of the website. The information that generates the cookie about his use of HOOK® (including your direction IP) will be directly transmitted and filed by Google in the servers of United States.
When sailing by HOOK® can collect data no identifiable, that can include, address IP, geographic location (roughly), a register of how use the services and places, and other data that can not be used to identify to the user. Between the data no identificativos are also the related to your habits of navigation through services of third. This web uses the like service of analysis of third: to Google Analytics .
We use this information to analyse tendencies, administer the place, track the movements of the users around the place and for recopilar demographic information on our base of users in his group.
HOOK® engages in the use and treatment of the personal included data of the users, respecting his confidentiality and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the same, as well as to give fulfillment to his obligation to save them and adapt all the measures to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access (How the protocols Https that use), of compliance with the established in the valid rule of data protection.
HOOK® Can not guarantee the absolute inexpugnabilidad of the network Internet and therefore the rape of the data by means of fraudulent accesses to them by part of third.
Like user, are the only responsible of the veracity and correction of the data that remit to HOOK® exonerating to Lucartex, S.L.Or. (HOOK®) Of any responsibility in this regard. The users guarantee and answer, in any case, of the accuracy, force and authenticity of the personal data facilitated, and engage to keep them properly up to date. The user accepts to provide complete and correct information in the form of contact or subscription.
The user declares to have been informed of the conditions on data protection of personal character, accepting and consenting the treatment of the same by part of Lucartex, S.L.Or.(HOOK®) In the form and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy
Lucartex, S.L.Or. It reserves the right to modify the present political to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential novelties, as well as to practices of the industry. In said supposed, the Prestador will announce in this page the changes entered with reasonable antelación to his put in practice.
In accordance with the LSSICE, HOOK® does not realise practices of SPAM, by what does not send commercial posts by electronic road that have not been previously requested or authorised by the user. In consequence, in each one of the forms habidos in the web, the user has the possibility to give his consent express to receive the bulletin, with independence of the commercial information on time requested.
According to the had in the Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and of e-commerce, HOOK® engages to not sending communications of commercial character without identifying them properly.
If have some question or comment on this politics, or if have some restlessness on the form in that it has been able to manage some personal information that have provided me, can contact me by postal post or email to:
Our Website is not headed to lower people of thirteen (13) years, to which ask that they do not provide data of personal character through our Website. Never recopilamos deliberately data of minors of thirteen (13) years without the parental consent.